A Skill Development Training Program
Healthcare being a sector which stands for the service of humanity, holds the prime and supreme importance among any human activities for safeguarding the human health and their well-being. In the current day scenario, challenges in the healthcare sector is as complex as the healthcare itself. A refined, sophisticated, and advanced healthcare system proclaims the living standards of a nation’s growth trajectory.

The healthcare industry which is considered as the stem of medical science is incomplete without the support of the para-medical sciences. They are highly co- existing branches of health science supporting the same industry. Therefore, it is of utmost important to cherish and cultivate the skilled personnel in a wide spectrum of paramedical sciences such as Central Sterile Supplies Department (CSSD) Assistants, General Duty Assistants, Geriatric Care Assistants, Emergency Medical Technicians etc. which are few among the list. The spectrum of paramedical sciences appears to be growing wide and deep parallel to the mainstream medical sciences. The above said streams of specialized paramedical services help to provide “quality time for the doctors” by sparing more time to focus on their core activities without diversifying attention to other peripheral jobs.

By deploying more skilled personnel in the peripheral job roles, the entire system becomes more efficient and it also paves way for the doctors to spare quality time with their patients and bring desirable outputs effectively.

Molding the skilled workforce in the paramedical sector as a parallel branch of science which is destined to support the healthcare world, involves the following important tasks:
To provide skill development training as per the curriculum designed by NSDC under the National Qualification Frame Work (NSQF) which conforms to the National Occupational Standards.
To provide OJT/internship certification in order to ensure the real time professional exposure and make them ‘industry ready’
To provide Government of India approved NSDC Certification that ensures the national recognition.

The healthcare skill sector orchestrates a wide spectrum of course programs which are designed to produce skilled personnel who would be capable of catering to the current day needs of the healthcare industry. We, IIB Education as an NSDC Training Partner has already made a single largest platform of NSDC approved Healthcare Organizations which include Medical Colleges, Super specialty hospitals, Multi / Super-Specialty hospitals, General Hospitals, Diagnostic Center Networks, Palliative Care Units, Alternative Medicine Centers etc. for imparting the NSDC approved healthcare course programs. This training network constitutes the Largest NSDC Approved Healthcare Skill Development Training Network of the Kerala state.
   Design of Course Structure
The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) in coordination with the Healthcare Sector Skill Council (HSSC) have given fine inputs in designing the courses and making it updated and keeping it at par with international standards in order to achieve world-wide acceptance at all the destinations where the NSQF curriculum is accepted.
These courses are based on standards registered under National Qualification Registry (NQR). These are standard documents validated by stakeholders from industry, academia and various reputed associations in pan India basis. National Occupational Standards (NOS) describe the best practices by bringing together the performance criteria, knowledge and skills pertaining to a job role. A set of NOS- related to a specific job role is called a Qualification Pack (QP). A QP for every job-role is pegged at a National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF).
As explained above, the entire health-sector courses are featured with the below merits:
The Healthcare Skill-Sector courses gazetted by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) are approved by the Union Ministry of Skill development & Entrepreneurship.
NSDC based curriculum is aligned to the National Occupational Standards (NOS)
NSDC curriculum is aligned to National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF)
The courses are designed based on the Multi-Entry - Multi -Exit system.
The NSDC courses are based on Multi-standard levels, therefore students can upgrade their courses to higher-level even if they are going abroad by joining available institutions where NSQF levels recognized.
The entire courses are divided in to theory, practical, On-Job Training (OJT) and Internship.
The students gets exposed to the live working environment at reputed and well equipped hospitals.
Students can join a place of their choice for internship & OJT subjects to the conditions applied therewith.
Students who successfully complete the course programmes are entitled for NSDC Certification and the HSSC certification can be availed at optional basis subject to the terms and conditions attached therewith.
Contact Address
    IIB Research Foundation
    Corporate Office
    Door Number: 36/4153
    4th Floor, City Centre, Round West
    Thrissur - 680001
    Kerala, INDIA
Contact Person
    Mr. Ramakrishnan  
    Executive Director
Contact Number
    +91 0487-2321104
    +91 8592 8544 43