IIB - Graphics & Web Designing Training Programme for SC Students
  A Skill Development Training Program
The “Diploma in Graphics & Designing” (DGWD) is an initiative by the Schedule Caste Development Department, Govt. of Kerala with a primary objective of enabling 100 Schedule Caste students employable on the successful completion of the course. IIB Education was accorded sanction for training in “Diploma in Graphics & Web Designing” to 100 SC students by The Scheduled Caste /Scheduled Tribe Development Department.

The classes included regular sessions, periodical test, practical-lab sessions and final examination at the end of the course programme.

The topics covered under the program ranged from basics such as Introduction to Computer, Page Maker to more advanced topics like Photoshop, Corel draw, Malayalam DTP and Web Designing.

The entire program was completed successfully and IIB was able to facilitate 62% of placement for the students who have completed the training program. Diploma in Graphics and Web Designing, being a skill development programme offered by IIB Education Pvt. Ltd., the Nodal Training Partner of NSDC with the financial sponsorship of SC Department of State Govt. of Kerala, is indeed a quite beneficial course to 100 students belonging to Schedule Caste across Kerala. This initiative of SC development department has definitely to some extent helped the SC community students by empowering them for achieving a better quality of life. Skill development programs for SC community are inevitable for uplifting the economic and social status of SC community.
Contact Address
    IIB Research Foundation
    Corporate Office
    Door Number: 36/4153
    4th Floor, City Centre, Round West
    Thrissur - 680001
    Kerala, INDIA
Contact Person
    Mr. Ramakrishnan  
    Executive Director
Contact Number
    +91 0487-2321104
    +91 8592 8544 43