Industrial and workstation safety being a growing concern across the landscape of modern Industrial world, we wish to put forward a consolidated safety awareness and prevention program coupled with the rescue techniques & Firefighting adhering to the guidelines insisted by the Industrial Safety Standards.

In most of the contemporary scenario, the statistics reveals that it is the absence of adequately trained staff and safety personnel is one of the key reasons that paves the way for major disasters in the Industrial front. In this context, IIB has realized the need for discoursing a welldesigned Training Program covering various aspects of Industrial safety, Fire Fighting & Rescue operations etc. in moulding a safety-conscious Industrial community in order to ensure the Industrial safety & Human wellbeing.

On the above explained reasons, we wish to join hands with you to provide training for the semiskilled employees with a well-defined training syllabus which would comprehensively cover all the major &key topics under the scope of Industrial safety contributed by the Industry experts.

As a part of our mission of moulding a safety-conscious Industrial community, IIB Education has decided to associate with various Industrial Organizations, to impart awareness programs, Workshops and Campaigns on Industrial Safety.

  DAY 1
  Session 1: Theory Section
Safety Principles
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Accident Hazard & Risk
Theory & Classification of Fire
Fire prevention & precaution
Fire detection system and Alarm
Firefighting Equipment & Methods.
Fire Extinguishers and Classification.
General Safety.
  Session 2: Demonstration & Familiarization
Personal Protective Equipment.
Firefighting Equipment Technique and Procedure.
Fire Hydrant system (Branch Pipe Valve, Hydrant Hose, Hydrant Nozzles) Familiarization & using methods.
Hydrant Hose using method and familiarization
Fire Extinguisher using procedure & Techniques.
  Session 3: Safety Related Video Sessions
Visual aids related to Safety  
  DAY 2
  Session 1: Mock Drills
Rescue Techniques.
Firefighting Assembly
Firefighting Equipment using & fighting methods.
Evacuation Methods.
Fire Exit methods.
First Aid.
  Session 2: Safety Analysis
Accident Analysis
Near miss Analysis
Job hazard Analysis
Work place safety
Inspection and Behaviour Base Safety(BBS)
  Session 3: Safety Meeting
Safety meeting and discussion method • Meeting topics  
Monthly meeting procedure
Monthly safety report preparing procedure
Equipment expiry date and maintenance procedure
  Session 4:
Safety Related Video Sessions  
  Program Highlights:
Industry Expert Trainers  
Hands-on Training Sessions Provided.
Curriculum which meets the latest Industrial Standards & Trends.
Training Manual Support.


Fire & Safety Training - Theory session in progress at Club Mahindra   Fire & Safety Training - Chief Trainer and members of Club Mahindra
Fire & Safety Training - Practical Training at Club Mahindra   Fire & Safety Training - Practical Training at Club Mahindra


Fire & Safety Training conducted at Abad Plaza for CREDAI Kerala   Fire & Safety Training conducted at Abad Plaza for CREDAI Kerala


Fire & Safety Training - Theory sessions at Eastern Condiments Pvt. Ltd.   Fire & Safety Training - Practical sessions at Eastern Condiments Pvt. Ltd.
Fire & Safety Training - Practical sessions at Eastern Condiments Pvt. Ltd.   Fire & Safety Training - Practical sessions at Eastern Condiments Pvt. Ltd.

Kerala Private Security Providers Association (KPSPA)

Fire & Safety Training - Theory sessions at KPSPA   Fire & Safety Training - Theory sessions at KPSPA

LULU CYBER, Infopark Campus, Kakkanad

Fire & Safety Training - Theory sessions at Lulu Cyber, Kakkanad   Fire & Safety Training - Theory sessions at Lulu Cyber, Kakkanad


Fire & Safety Training - Theory sessions at SUD CHEMIE INDIA   Fire & Safety Training - Practical sessions at SUD CHEMIE INDIA
Fire & Safety Training - Practical sessions at SUD CHEMIE INDIA   Fire & Safety Training - Practical sessions at SUD CHEMIE INDIA


(Edayar Industrial Development Area , Binanipuram)
Fire & Safety Training - Theory sessions at SUD CHEMIE INDIA   Fire & Safety Training at SUD CHEMIE INDIA
Fire & Safety Training - Practical sessions at SUD CHEMIE INDIA   Fire & Safety Training - Practical sessions at SUD CHEMIE INDIA
Contact Address
    IIB Research Foundation
    Corporate Office
    Door Number: 36/4153
    4th Floor, City Centre, Round West
    Thrissur - 680001
    Kerala, INDIA
Contact Person
    Mr. Ramakrishnan  
    Executive Director
Contact Number
    +91 0487-2321104
    +91 8592 8544 43